Daniel Marshall

The first thing one notices about the architecture of Daniel Marshall's Auckland, New Zealand-based team is how beautifully and seamlessly ensconced it is in its natural environment. On top of their beautiful sense of placement, the buildings embody a wonderful sculptural quality. The structures emanate from a deeply cultivated and cultured aesthetic. They have incredible presence and personality but also a certain whimsical quality and they are marked by just a tad of wise understatement.

This is a studio that takes a deeply poetic view of architecture and its approach is very symptomatic of a sensibility that is supremely conscious of the natural environment. Daniel as a go-to architectural firm if you want a beautiful, eminently practical and friendly, yet refined and cultivated family home that has a capacity to quietly stun. They are tender homes for those with a cultured aesthetic and sensitive outlook. They are also classics, one and all.